The facelift (rhytidectomy) is a surgical procedure designed to smooth the loose skin on your face and neck. It is also intended to reduce the most apparent signs of aging in the facial area, giving you a more youthful appearance.

The best candidates for a facelift are those who:

  • Have face and neck skin that has begun to sag, but still possess good skin elasticity and whose bone structure is strong and well defined
  • Experience the loss of a well-defined jaw line
  • Have deep wrinkles in the cheeks
  • Have loose skin, wrinkles or excess fatty tissue in the neck

San Mateo and Mountain View area patients are encouraged to meet with Dr. Pertsch to undergo a thorough facial examination. Doing so will allow for a more personalized surgical plan to be implemented to meet the patient’s desired outcome.

The procedure involves reducing the creases from the nose and mouth, the slacking jaw line and sagging jowls, and fat deposits around the neck by removing excess fat and tightening underlying muscles, then redraping the skin on the face and neck. Although the procedure cannot stop the aging process, it can turn back the clock on your facial appearance, giving you a younger, fresher look, which can also have a positive effect on your self-confidence.

A facelift is generally performed by making an incision around the natural contour of the ear, and around your earlobe along your hairline. This helps keep any scarring from being visible. Any incision can be easily masked by make-up or hair. If a neck lift is performed, you may have a small incision under your chin. After your surgery, you may have a drain tube to allow excess fluid to drain from the incision. Your bandage will stay in place for one to two days. You may experience some increased swelling in the first 24 to 48 hours after your surgery. Most bruising will subside in about two weeks. Some numbness may occur, and your stitches will be removed at your one week post-surgery appointment.

Since each individual has his or her own unique facial features, physical reactions and healing abilities, the results of a facelift vary with each patient and they are never 100 percent predictable. During a facelift, complications are infrequent and usually minor. Some complications that may arise include hematoma (blood under the skin that must be removed by your doctor), injury to the nerves that control facial muscles (usually temporary) infection, and reactions to the anesthesia. Smokers are more likely to experience poor healing of the skin.

More detailed information can be discussed with Dr. Pertsch during an initial consultation at one of his facilities – Mountain View or San Mateo. Your questions and/or concerns will be addressed at this time.

Before After

Facelift & Neck Lift

Description: 58 year old woman considering facial improvements for years. The last 2 years she thought more seriously about facial improvements.

Also: upper and lower eyelid (blepharoplasty) and forehead (browlift) procedures

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