Labiaplasty Gallery
Labiaplasty 01a
Labiaplasty 03a
22 y.o. came for breast augmentation but had also had considered labiaplasty for years. She had always had excessively drooping labia minora that protruded well beyond the labia majora.
The labia minora are the hairless inner labia or lips just on either side of the entrance to the vagina. The labia majora are the hair bearing outer labia or lips closer to the thigh.
During the same operation, after completing the breast augmentation a labiaplasty was performed. More tissue was removed from the left than the right side to leave the same amount behind. The sagittal trim surgical technique was used to reduce the labia minora so they would not protrude beyond the labia majora as the patient wished. Clitoris remained untouched and all sensation was preserved.
Before and after views were taken at the time of surgery under anesthesia with patient’s permission.