Face Gallery
Rhinoplasty 01
Otoplasty and Ear Lobe Reduction
42 yr. old male was always concerned about prominent ears and considered surgery for a couple of years. He didn’t like his large, drooping earlobes.
Exam revealed prominent ears due to wide conchal cartilages and reduced folding of the scaphal cartilages. The earlobes were large.
At surgery chonchal cartilage was reduced (the “shell” cartilage). The naturally occurring fold was created in the scapha cartilage. The auricular muscle was reattached and skin was reduced behind the ear. In addition the earlobe was reduced both height and width.
“After” photos were taken 2 years and 2 months after the procedure. He still had palpable but not visible scar behind the left earlobe. It felt as if there was a pencil behind his L ear only during hot weather. This sensation seemed to be easing with time.
Rhinoplasty 02
Rhinoplasty Latina 01a
Rhinoplasty, Asian 01
27 yo considered dorsal augmentation for 5 years.
At surgery L shaped Voloshin implant inserted via intra-oral approach only (upper labia-gingival incision)
After surgery she was very happy. After photos taken 3 months later.